Free Traffic Sources

Free Traffic Sources

There is almost an unlimited number of sources of free traffic sources on the Internet and most will allow you to create multiple accounts / profiles.

  • Tube Sites. Video tube sites are fantastic free traffic sources, there are hundreds of them and they are 100% porn friendly. However even non-porn tubes like Youtube and Vimeo can be utilized in the same way as Facebook by not blatantly spamming explicit material or porn.  For example: Creating a Youtube channel on “Nude Model Interviews” using video clips of MM Auditions –  before the models disrobe 🙂 Adult Tube sites almost universally have a photos section as well for uploading.
  • Image Hosting Sites These are like video tube sites for photos only. For example:
  • Social Networks: Twitter All the Porn Stars, companies and niches use Twitter and Instagram to connect and promote. Follow, follow follow and some will follow you back.Tweet updates (including photos, animated gifs and other graphics)  of new models, shoots and other news coming from MM. Tumblr is an adult friendly social network Facebook  is not really adult friendly but you can cultivate the grey area, For example:  Promote new MM Models and by creating fan profiles, pages or groups on Facebook. accounts. Use non nude or G-Rated photos from the photo shoots. StumbleUpon
  • Blogging Sites. See list here
  • SEO or search engine optimization refers to making websites rank higher for keywords in the search engines (mostly Google, Bing but Yahoo etc). Seo is a complex subject which cannot be tackled in a short period of time. However there are some tricks of the trade which are presented in Matt’s Money.
  • Forum posts. This involves jumping on discussion forum threads and hopefully a legit reason to post a photo: For example: “Does anyone know the name of this model?”
  • Directories Indexes or directories of porn sites.
  • Newsgroups NG’s were one of the earliest methods to promote adult material but became less relevant when more modern forms of websites arose. However these are a great and somewhat underused way to distribute content these days.
  • TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Posts) One of the most popular methods for years to promote adult, not as popular now but still should be considered in any advertising mix.
  • Comments Comment sections on tube sites  or adult blogs.  Some sites are more forgiving of this practice than others. Comments should like actual  comments and not look like spam. The trick is wrapping up your spam as part of the comment as a secondary mention.
  • Traffic Exchanges You can exchange traffic with other webmasters or affiliates by each exchanging banners/links on each others websites. You can initiate this by contacting a website directly to see if they are interested in an exchange or use a company like


It’s important to recognize that some of these methods work solely or better if you have your own website(s) to run traffic to. However with some methods like Social Networks  / Tube sites, you do not need your own website, you are using their website to promote traffic directly to MM.